Notre expertise | Assurance qualité | Huwiz
Notre expertise | Assurance qualité | Huwiz

Our expertise

Quality assurance | UX | Huwiz

A proven approach that contributes to your game in a valuable way.

Put HUWIZ’s strategy and methodology in quality assurance at your service and make sure your product distinguished itself from its abundant competitors. Be it for a video game, application, software or website, our expertise guarantees you’ll make waves in your market!

Video Game

We test your video game across all its facets. Nothing escapes our team’s vigil.

We hold a strong expertise in quality assurance strategizing and methodology. Our product analysts, on top of having proven experience, are themselves avowed gamers who are on an informed lookout for any issues which would hinder user experience in your game.

Each game is scrutinized and analyzed in finite detail, allowing then for us to act as an informed force for recommendations so that you deploy a game that will seduce your user base.

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Flèches vertes | Huwiz


We analyze the quality of your software and apps in finite detail.

With solid knowledge in the UI/UX field, and always according to best practices, our team of experts makes sure your apps and software function optimally.

We identify the bugs in your products and submit recommendations for different adjustments to make in order to maximize reception in its target market.

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Flèches vertes | Huwiz


We browse your website with an expert eye. Nothing is left to chance or set aside.

Before launching your website, we take time to analyze it in depth to identify any bugs and anomalies which could be found within.

We test its performance, functionalities and user experience to ensure your users could efficiently access all its contents as it was imagined at its conception.

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