Tests de compatibilité et performance | Huwiz

Compatibility and performance

Obtain a detailed portrait of your game’s performance.

HUWIZ makes sure your game receives positive reviews across the board. Guarantee your users get the experience they desire with a solid base of optimizations for your compatibility and performance across a myriad of devices and configurations.

We have experts who will accompany you throughout your game’s optimization process.

Compatibility tests

With the astronomical number of PC components on the market, having a complete viewpoint on possible incompatibilities becomes more and more complex. Our large inventory of components allows us to confirm the functionality of your game across a vast range of devices and configurations.

We take charge of your compatibility tests for PC, MacOS, Steam Deck and all devices with handmade PC configurations. We test different compositions and spot any incompatibilities with your hardware or any performance issues.

Experts en tests de compatibilité et performance | Huwiz

Performance tests

Before launching your game, we make sure that all items on our performance checklist for a successful launch are checked off. This allows you to avoid any technical issues on launch day which would damage the perception your user base has of your game.

Furthermore, we verify its body of functionalities, settings and configurations according to an exhaustive list of homemade test cases. We list all possible improvements to make for an optimal reception with your users.

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